Recently I needed to get to grips with the [Laravel]( PHP framework for a personal project and thought a small tutorial on getting started with the [Homestead]( development environment would be good to help beginners. ## Prerequisites You'll need the following: * macOS or Linux * Latest version of Oracle's [VirtualBox]( * Latest version of [Vagrant]( from Hashicorp * (optional) Latest version of [Composer]( ## Installing Homestead Start by installing the Homestead Vagrant box on your machine by running the following command from a shell prompt: ``` vagrant box add laravel/homestead ``` While you can install the box at the time you run `vagrant up`, we're starting the download now so it can run in the background while we complete some other tasks. Next clone the Homestead repository from GitHub: ``` git clone cd homestead git checkout v7.20.0 ``` You'll notice we also checked out a specific tagged commit, this is because the `master` branch can be unstable and doesn't have the same rigorous testing applied as tagged releases. Next we run the initialisation script: ``` chmod +x ./ ``` Next up we have to configure the newly created `Homestead.yaml` file. Open it in your editor of choice and underneath `folders` change `~/code` to the location where you'll put your Laravel project, such as `~/Projects/contacts`. You'll need to replace the location of the code as well, so it becomes `/home/vagrant/contacts` in this example. Then below that in `sites`, map your site name, such as `contacts.test` to the above specified folder, like `/home/vagrant/contacts/public`. Now if your Vagrant box has finished downloading from earlier you can run `vagrant up` to bring your new Homestead development environment up and get ready to work on your Laravel project. Keep in mind you don't have to use this for Laravel, Homestead contains a number of languages, frameworks, and databases to allow you to build a lot of different systems. ## Getting DNS Working To get that URL that you selected working with Homestead, you'll need to set it up in your hosts file. To do that, edit the file at `/etc/hosts` and add a line like the following: ``` contacts.test ``` Keen observers will notice the IP address is copied from the top of the `Homestead.yaml` file, if you do change that make sure to update it in your hosts file. You should now be able to the example site at http://contacts.test and see *"No input file specified."*. ## (Optional) Starting With Laravel Run the following Composer command to install your new site (replace `~/Projects/contacts` with your project location): ``` composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel ~/Projects/contacts cd ~/Projects/contacts ``` Now you'll be able to view your default Laravel site at your URL and be presented with a splash page.