While this incarnation of my [personal website](/dev/advanced-personal-site) has been set up and served using only static components for some time, it was still limited to the capabilities of the virtual server it was hosted on. So I finally took the plunge and (along with the [ScorpInc](http://scorpinc.solutions/) website) moved all the files into [Amazon Web Services (AWS)](http://aws.amazon.com/) various platforms for ultra-responsive static sites and assets. This includes hosting the files in a [Simple Storage Service (S3)](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/) bucket, pushing DNS through [Route 53](https://aws.amazon.com/route53/), and using the [CloudFront](https://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/) Content Distribution Network (CDN) service to distribute my site at various edge locations around the world for low-latency response times, regardless of where the request comes from. If you're looking for a good guide on how to do this, I would recommend the one [AWS provides on the topic](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/gettingstarted/latest/swh/website-hosting-intro.html). I could write it up here as well, but it would be redundant and likely become quickly out of date as they continue updating and changing services. What I will note down is so far this month (2015-10-20) the total cost for both sites has been $1.32. Of that, each domain in Route 53 costs $0.50, the rest is minimal traffic and storage. I also store a heap of backups for another server I have in GitLab which would be inflating that price a bit too. And the speed? Well, how do you find it so far? Pretty nifty.