If you've got a single ingress IP, perhaps a NAT situation with various services behind a router on a private network, and you want to route different domains to different backends, you can do it with HAProxy. If you want to use HTTP **and** HTTPS **without** using SSL termination on the HAProxy host that's possible too and what we'll explore here. What you will need is: * One host with HAProxy, with all TCP traffic on ports 80 and 443 being routed to it. * Multiple backend services on your private network. On the HAProxy server we'll need to edit the config file, this is often `/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg` on \*nix machines. You can usually leave the `global` and `defaults` section as they start, or make sane adjustments as required. What matters next is the latter sections, which we'll describe after displaying: ``` frontend http_frontend mode http option httplog bind *:80 option forwardfor acl host_www hdr(host) -i example.com acl host_www hdr(host) -i www.example.com acl host_wiki hdr(host) -i wiki.example.com use_backend http_www if host_www use_backend http_wiki if host_wiki backend http_www mode http option httplog option forwardfor server www backend http_wiki mode http option httplog option forwardfor server wiki frontend https_frontend mode tcp option tcplog bind *:443 acl tls req.ssl_hello_type 1 tcp-request inspect-delay 5s tcp-request content accept if tls acl host_www req.ssl_sni -i example.com acl host_www req.ssl_sni -i www.example.com acl host_wiki req.ssl_sni -i wiki.example.com use_backend https_www if host_www use_backend https_wiki if host_wiki backend https_www mode tcp option tcplog option ssl-hello-chk server www backend https_wiki mode tcp option tcplog option ssl-hello-chk server wiki ``` Let's start by inspecting the HTTP section, the first half. In our frontend block, which we label `http_frontne` for descriptive purposes, we set the mode, bind the port, and set options. The major part comes next though: ``` acl host_www hdr(host) -i example.com acl host_www hdr(host) -i www.example.com acl host_wiki hdr(host) -i wiki.example.com ``` Here we set up what domains in the HTTP request will route to what host, with the next two lines providing the backends in the config for each HTTP host: ``` use_backend http_www if host_www use_backend http_wiki if host_wiki ``` The backend section is pretty similar, we're using descriptive names, setting modes and options, and then telling it which IP address to go to (using a descriptive server name as well): ``` backend http_www mode http option httplog option forwardfor server www ``` We do similar for the HTTPS, the main different is we're forwarding at the TCP level, but doing some health-checks and testing the server name indication (SNI) to work out which domain was requested and which host to route it too. This should get you all up and running but don't forget to restart the HAProxy service after you've changed the configuration. That always gets me.