After my success with the [papercraft Battlecruiser](/personal/2015/12/20/) from Starcraft I decided to complete another model based on machinery from a sci-fi franchise. Initially I looked at my library of Warhammer 40k vehicle templates but realised many had major structural issues. Eventually I resolved to build a [heavy star of Clan mechs](, with the current plan involving a [Shadow Cat]( (medium), [Timber Wolf]( (heavy), [Summoner]( (heavy), [Mad Dog]( (heavy), and [Dire Wolf]( (assault). Many of these mechs are fielded by different clans, but they were the main ones for which I had templates. I started with the Timber Wolf ("Mad Cat" in the Inner Sphere), a relatively simple model to ease back in after a few months break. ![First foot complete](/img/2016-06-27-papercraft-mechwarrior-1-foot.jpg) You can see in the above picture that it came pre-textured, creating a much more vibrant and "realistic" model. In some areas the texturing even works to create a 3D effect that would have been nightmarish to create with cardstock. ![It's got chicken legs!](/img/2016-06-27-papercraft-mechwarrior-2-chicken-legs.jpg) At this point I started to worry it might not be stable without support on such thin, backwards jointed legs. ![Almost finished](/img/2016-06-27-papercraft-mechwarrior-3-more-sections-done.jpg) Here are the completed legs, body, and one arm. ![Finished Timber Wolf imposing view](/img/2016-06-27-papercraft-mechwarrior-4-complete-low-angle.jpg) An imposing, low-angle view of the finished Timber Wolf/Mad Cat MechWarrior. ![Finished Timer Wolf full view](/img/2016-06-27-papercraft-mechwarrior-5-complete-full-view.jpg) Here's another shot of the completed piece in all it's earth-stomping glory. Pretty happy with how this turned out. This was a relatively quick build, taking about a week in April; I delayed writing up the post due to a busy work schedule. It wasn't overly taxing but the end product still came out nice. Can't wait to see how the next models go!