Things have been pretty busy over the last few months, but I found some time to smash out a nifty new papercraft and keeping with my "sci-fi vehicles" theme I did a papercraft Imperial I-class Star Destroyer from the Star Wars universe. ![First pieces](/img/2017-08-28-star-destroyer-1.jpg) This model has minor detail, very similar to the [StarCraft Battlecruiser](/personal/2015/12/20/). ![Top half](/img/2017-08-28-star-destroyer-2.jpg) Cutting and gluing cardstock with extra detail straight onto the large flat section gives the appearance of more depth for very little extra work. ![Rear view](/img/2017-08-28-star-destroyer-3.jpg) Completed model from the rear, showing the complicated engine segments. This was by far the most difficult part, dealing with truncated cones and angled cylinders against two inward-angled main sections took a lot of gluing, regluing, and holding small parts in place praying the glue dried quicker. ![Rear view](/img/2017-08-28-star-destroyer-4.jpg) Lastly, a front view of the finished project. Overall this build took place over a week, however the final night I completed about 60% of the work in one ultimate crunch session.